
Zero-shot urban function inference with street view images through prompting a pretrained vision-language model
Huang, W., Wang, J. and Cong, G., 2024. Zero-shot urban function inference with street view images through prompting a pretrained vision-language model. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, pp.1-29.
Learning visual features from figure-ground maps for urban morphology discovery
Wang, J., Huang, W. and Biljecki, F., 2024. Learning visual features from figure-ground maps for urban morphology discovery. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems109, p.102076.
Unsupervised machine learning in urban studies: A systematic review of applications
Wang, J. and Biljecki, F., 2022. Unsupervised machine learning in urban studies: A systematic review of applications. Cities, 129, p.103925.
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